Teaching & Training Videos Skip to Videos All | Welcome | Recipe "How To" Videos | Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To" | Child Videos: PEAS Units Concepts | PEAS Strategy: Practice Science | PEAS Strategy: Engage the Senses | PEAS Strategy: Apply Science Talk | PEAS Strategy: Support Learning | Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Sweet Potato Applesauce Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Spinach and Strawberry Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Spinach Salad Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Pea Puree Dip Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Steamed Broccoli Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Tomato Salsa Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Mango, Tomato, & Corn “Seed” Salsa Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Carrot Dip Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Living Things Yogurt Dip