Skip to Videos All | Welcome | Recipe "How To" Videos | Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To" | Child Videos: PEAS Units Concepts | PEAS Strategy: Practice Science | PEAS Strategy: Engage the Senses | PEAS Strategy: Apply Science Talk | PEAS Strategy: Support Learning | Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Spinach and Strawberry Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Mango, Tomato, & Corn “Seed” Salsa Recipe "How To" Videos, PEAS' Recipes: Living Things Yogurt Dip Child Videos: PEAS Units Concepts, Living and Non-living Things for Kids | Learn why some things are alive and others are not Welcome, PEAS Welcome Video Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Living Things: Activity 1 Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Living Things: Activity 2 Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Living Things: Activity 3 Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Living Things: Activity 4 Living and Non-living Things for Kids | Learn why some things are alive and others are not Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Seeds: Activity 1 Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Seeds: Activity 2 Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Seeds: Activity 3 Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Seeds: Activity 4 Child Videos: PEAS Units Concepts, How Plants Grow for Kids | Learn about seeds and what plants need to grow strong Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Plant Parts: Activity 1 Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Plant Parts: Activity 2 Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Plant Parts: Activity 3 Teacher Videos: PEAS' Activity "How To", Plant Parts: Activity 4 Child Videos: PEAS Units Concepts, Parts of Plants for Kids | Learn about plant parts and their functions PEAS Strategy: Practice Science, Strategy 1: Engaging in the Process of Science - Part 1 (P for Practice Science 2021) PEAS Strategy: Practice Science, Strategy 1: Engaging in the Process of Science - Part 2 (P for Practice Science 2023) PEAS Strategy: Practice Science, Strategy 2: Learning the Big Ideas (P for Practice Science 2023) PEAS Strategy: Practice Science, Strategy 3: Using the Tools of Science (P for Practice Science 2023 ) PEAS Strategy: Engage the Senses, Strategy 1: Exploring with the Senses (E for Engage the Senses 2023) PEAS Strategy: Engage the Senses, Strategy 2: Benefiting from Repeated Exposures (E for Engage the Senses 2023) PEAS Strategy: Engage the Senses, Strategy 3: Experiencing Culturally Relevant Vegetables (E for Engage the Senses 2023) PEAS Strategy: Engage the Senses, Strategies When Using Food in the Classroom (2023) PEAS Strategy: Engage the Senses, Top 5 Tips For Food Activities in Your Classroom (2023) PEAS Strategy: Apply Science Talk, Strategy 1: Child-Friendly Definitions and Descriptive Words (A for Apply Science Talk 2023) PEAS Strategy: Apply Science Talk, Strategy 2: Asking Fair WH and Open-Ended Questions (A for Apply Science Talk 2023) PEAS Strategy: Apply Science Talk, Strategy 3: Revoicing and Restating Children's Ideas (A for Apply Science Talk 2023) PEAS Strategy: Support Learning, Strategy 1: Using Effective Verbal Praise (S for Support Learning 2023) PEAS Strategy: Support Learning, Strategy 2: Enthusiastically Role Modeling (S for Support Learning 2023) PEAS Strategy: Support Learning, Strategy 3: Encouraging Peer Collaboration (S for Support Learning 2023)